
The TIME Task Force consists of five active committees that work to advance the organization’s mission and engage with agencies and professionals around Georgia to improve and enhance traffic incident management in the areas of training, operations, programs, communications, and grants.

If you are interested in becoming a committee member or getting in touch with each committee, send an email to with your inquiry. In order to be a part of committee, you or your agency, business, or organization must be a member of the TIME Task Force.


Ivan Lichtenstein, Communications

Ivan Lichtenstein, Communications

Digital Media Specialist, AECOM

Dolores Uttero, Grants (Interim)

Dolores Uttero, Grants (Interim)

TMC Manager, Georgia DOT

Rodney Pickle, Operations

Rodney Pickle, Operations

CHAMP Supervisor, AECOM

Requel Williams, Programs

Requel Williams, Programs

Operations Manager, AECOM

Chief Shaun Raulston, Training

Chief Shaun Raulston, Training

City of Buena Vista Fire Department


Communications: This committee shall coordinate timely and open communication both internally between transportation and public safety agencies as well as with the public and media. The committee chairperson shall be ultimately responsible for assigning and completing all tasks in conjunction with the Communications committee.

Operations: This committee shall focus on improving traffic incident response and clearance procedures and overcoming institutional and jurisdictional barriers that reduce the efficiency of traffic incident management. Primary tasks within this committee shall include After Incident Reviews (AIR) and Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Teams. The committee chairperson shall be ultimately responsible for assigning and completing all tasks in conjunction with the Operations committee.

Programs: This committee shall focus on planning and facilitating membership activities and events. Committee responsibilities include planning quarterly membership meetings and annual conference. The committee chairperson shall be ultimately responsible for assigning and completing all tasks in conjunction with the Programs committee.

Training: This committee shall focus on approving, developing and offering traffic incident management training courses and tracking certification of TIME and Towing & Recovery Incentive Program (TRIP) members. Committee responsibilities include training acceptance and approval of all TIME-offered training courses by the Training Standards Board. The committee chairperson shall be ultimately responsible for assigning and completing all tasks in conjunction with the Training committee.

Grants: This committee shall focus on the annual call to gather TIME Task Force Grant applications. Work with the Grants Committee members to evaluate applications and determine the Grant awards recipients.