It’s that time of year where winter transforms the roads into challenging terrain, demanding extra caution from drivers. Winter driving requires a unique set of skills and preparedness to navigate safely through icy roads. According to NHTSA, 17% of all vehicle crashes occur during winter conditions. To help ensure you stay on the road to safety, here are some essential tips.


Prepare Your Vehicle

Something you can do year-round is ensure your vehicle is getting regular tune-ups and maintenance. During winter, pay special attention to your vehicle’s battery, wipers, wiper fluid, coolant, and tires. If necessary, equip your vehicle with winter tires to enhance traction on icy roads.

Before driving your vehicle, ensure all windows, lights, mirrors, and backup cameras are free from snow and ice. Proper visibility is crucial for safe winter driving.

Pack a winter emergency kit for your vehicle. Important items include blankets, flashlights, jumper cables, flares, and non-perishable snacks.


Prepare Yourself Before Driving

Reduced visibility and slippery surfaces call for a decrease in speed. Give yourself ample time to react to unexpected obstacles and navigate turns without losing control. Increase your following distance and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination (leave earlier than you normally do).

When using your brakes, apply them gently to avoid skidding. If your vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), maintain consistent pressure during braking. For non-ABS vehicles, pump the brakes gently.

By embracing these winter driving tips, you will not only safeguard yourself, but also contribute to safer roads. Stay cautious, stay prepared and let’s navigate winter’s chill together, safely.